Thursday, September 2, 2010

Islanders in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography

Prince Edward Islanders in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
List compiled by Gary Carrol for The Island Register

Surname Given Name/Years
Anderson Alexander 1836-1925
Aplin Joseph 1740-1804
Archibald Walter Palmer 1860-1922
Arsenault Joseph-Octave 1866-1918
Arsenault Joseph-Octave (Senator) 1828-1897
Arsenault Pierre-Paul 1867-1927
Bagnall James 1783-1855
Bain Francis 1842-1894
Bannerman Alexander 1786-1855
Bayfield Henry Wolsey 1795- 1885
Bayfield Fanny Amelia (see Wright)
Bell Herbert 1818-1876
Bell John Howatt 1845-1929
Bellecourt George Antoine 1803-1874
Bertram Alexander Charles 1852-1908
Binns Charles 1786-1847
Blake Patrick 1846-1909
Brecken Frederick de St. Croix 1828-1903
Brecken John 1800-1847
Brenan Daniel 1796-1876
Brennan William Arthur 1851-1916
Buote Gilbert 1833-1904
Burke Alfred Edward 1862-1926
Butcher Mark 1814-1883
Byers Peter 1796-1815
Callbeck Phillips 1742-1790
Calonne Jacques-Ladislas de 1742-1822
Cambridge John 1748-1831
Campbell Donald, Sir 1800-1850
Campbell Duncan 1818-1886
Carmichael John Edward 1790-1828
Chanter Thomas Burnard 1797-1874
Chappell Benjamin 1740-1825
Clark Robert - d. 1794
Colclough Caesar 1764-1822
Coles George 1810-1875
Conroy Nicholas 1816-1879
Cooper James Barrett 1811-1888
Cooper William Cooper 1786-1867
Cowperwaithe Humphrey Pickard 1838-1924
Cormack William Eppes 1796-1868
Cotton William Lawson 1848-1928
Crawford Alexander 1786-1828
Cundall Henry Jones 1833-1916
Currie Donald 1831-1880
Curtis James d. 1819
Dalrymple George R. 1790-1851
Daly Dominick 1798-1868
Davies Louis Henry 1845-1924
Dawson William Eddison 1829-1902
DeBlois George Wastie 1824-1886
Desbarres Joseph Frederick Wallet 1721-1824
Desbrisay Theophilus 1754-1823 (son)
Thomas 1732/33-1819 (father)
DesRoches Gilbert 1848-1915
Douglas James 1757-1803
Douglas Thomas (Earl of Selkirk) 1771-1820
Douse William 1800-1864
Doyle Lawrence 1847-1907
Dubuc Sophie-Louise 1826-1908
Duffy James W. 1798-1860
Dundas George 1819-1880
Eagleson John (fl 1765-1790)
Ellis William 1774-1855
Fanning Edmund 1739-1818
Farquharson Donald 1834-1903
Ferguson Donald 1839-1909
Fitzgerald David 1813-1894
Fitzroy Charles Augustus 1796-1858
Gallant Joseph 1839-1923
Gaudet Placide 1850-1930
Gallant Xavier 1760-1813
Gisborne Frederic Newton 1824-1892
Godfrey George 1852-1901
Goff Fade 1780-1836
Gordon Daniel 1821-1907
George Nichol (1822-1861)
James Douglas (1832-1872)
Gourlie Jessie Winnifred 1861-1915
Gray John Hamilton 1811-1887
Gray Robert 1747-1828
Hall Thomas 1867-1919
Hardy George 1740-1803
Harper John Murdoch 1845-1919
Harvey John 1778-1852
Harris Robert 1849-1919
Harris William Critchlow 1854-1913
Haszard James Douglas 1797-1875
Haviland Thomas Heath 1796-1867
Haviland Thomas Heath 1822-1895
Haythorne Robert Poore 1815-1891
Heartz Richard Jacob 1816-1908
Hensley Joseph 1824-1894
Higgins David - d. 1783
Hill John 1754-1841
Hodgson Robert 1765-1811
Hodgson Robert 1798-1880
Holl John Myrie 1802-1869
Holland John Frederick 1760-1845
Holland Samuel Johannes 1728-1801
Holman Robert Tinson 1833-1906
Howatt Cornelius 1810-1895
Howlan George William 1835-1901
Huestis George Oxley 1821-1905
Hunter-Duvar John 1821-1899
Huntley Henry Vere 1795-1864
Hutchinson Robert 1802-1866
Irwin Thomas ? -1847
James Philip 1800-1851
Jarvis Edward James 1788-1852
Jenkins Stephen Rice 1858-1929
Johnston Richard 1830-1903
Johnstone Walter ca.1795-1824
Johnston William 1779-1828
Jones Robert 1778-1859
Keir John 1780-1858
Kelly Francis 1803-1879
Laird Alexander 1797-1873
Laird Alexander 1830-1896
Laird David 1833-1914
Landry Israel J.D. 1843-1910
Lane Ambrose 1791-1853
Lawson David 1720-1803
LePage John 1812-1886
Lewellin John Lewellin 1781-1857
Little Philip Francis 1824-1897
Lockerby Elizabeth Newell 1831-1884
Longworth Francis 1766-1843
Longworth Francis 1807-1883
Longworth John 1814-1885
Lord William Warren 1798-1890
Mabey Paul 1786-1863
MacAulay Angus 1759-1827
Macdonald Andrew Archibald 1829-1912
McDonald Angus 1830-1889
MacDonald Bernard Donald 1797-1859
McDonald Donald 1795-1854
McDonald Francis John 1815-1900
MacDonald Helen 1750-1803
MacDonald James 1819-1905
Mcdonald James Charles 1840-1912
MacDonald John 1742-1810 of Glenaladale
McDonald John 1796-1874
Macdonald John Small 1791-1849
Macdonald Sir William Christopher 1831-1917
McEachern Emanuel 1816-1875
MacEachern Angus Bernard 1759-1835
Magowan Peter 1763-1810
Macgregor James Drummond 1759-1830
MacGregor John 1797-1857
McIntyre Peter 1818-1891
Mackieson John 1795-1885
MacKinnon Donald Alexander 1863-1928
MacKintosh John 1790-1881
Maclean Duncan 1799-1859
MacLennan John 1797-1852
McLeod Henry Collingwood 1851-1926
Mcleod Neil 1842-1915
McMillan Angus 1817-1906
McPhail William 1830-1905
Mellish Mary 1849-1901
Milligan George Seaton 1828-1902
Mitchell Albert William 1868-1906
Montgomery Donald 1848-1890
Morris Charles 1711-1781
Morris Charles 1731-1802
Murray Isaac 1824-1906
O’Brien Cornelius 1843-1906
Owen Elizabeth Lee 1835-1901
Owen Lemuel Cambridge 1822-1912
Oulton Robert Trenholm 1835-1920
Palmer Edward 1809-1889
Palmer James Bardin 1771-1833
Patterson Walter 1735-1798
Perrey Sylvain-Ephrem 1800-1887
Perry Stanislaus Francis 1823-1898
Peters Arthur 1854-1908
Peters James Horsfield 1811-1891
Plaw John 1746-1820
Plessis Joseph-Octave 1763-1825
Pope James Colledge 1826-1885
Pope Joseph 1803-1895
Pope Joseph 1854-1926
Pope William Henry 1825-1879
Prowse Benjamin Charles 1862-1930
Rankin Coun Douly 1774-1852
Rankin William ? -1837
Ready John 1777-1845
Richardson Harry Alden 1862-1923
Robertson James 1747-1816
Robinson Joseph 1742-1807
Robinson William Cleaver Francis 1834-1897
Roubel William ca.1775-1834
Schreiber Collingwood 1831-1918
Schurman William 1743-1819
Simpson James 1853-1920
Sinclair Alexander MacLean 1840-1924
Sinclair Peter 1819-1906
Sleigh Burrows Willcocks Arthur 1821-1869
Smith Charles Douglas 1761-1855
Snodgrass William 1827-1906
Sterling Alice Jane 1839-1921
Stewart Charles 1759-1813
Stewart John ca.1758-1834
Stewart Peter 1725-1805
Stirling David 1822-1887
Sullivan William Wilfred 1839-1920
Sutherland Hugh McKay 1843-1926
Swabey William 1789-1852
Thorpe Robert 1764-1836
Thresher George Godsell 1780-1857
Townshend William 1745-1816
Tremlett Thomas 1770-1830
Valentine William 1798-1849
Warburton Alexander Bannerman 1852-1929
Whelan Edward 1824-1867
Waugh Wellwood 1741-1824
Wells Emma Lucy 1854-1926
White John Henry 1797-1843
Wightman Joseph 1806-1887
Williams James fl 1803-1815
Worrell Charles 1770-1858
Wright Charles 1782-1828
Wright Fanny Amelia 1813-1891
Wright George 1779-1842
Wright George 1810-1887
Wright Thomas 1740-1812
Yeo James 1789-1868
Young Aretas William 1777-1835
Metherall, Francis 1791-1875

Rev. Thomas Henry Bussell Somers (1907 - 1965)

 This material has been copied from a brochure called  Service of Dedication The Rev T. H. B. Somers Memorial Chapel    January 21, 1968   –...